Principals' Profile & Message

I am excited to share my thoughts about the remarkable journey we continue to undertake together at Bangalore International High !!!
As an astounding academician and administrator with a proven record of over 15 years at various levels as a teacher, academic head, vice principal, witnessing phenomenal progress of the students, with increased exponential records of determination, received multiple accolades, and as a best academician from International Platform. My passion, addon experience from abroad had set my path in greater heights.

I believe in creating a joyful, positive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and connected-essentially. I am positive that in time to come we will continue this journey with the elevated enthusiasm and persistently provide a platform of holistic learning.

As the Principal, I take the privilege in transformative impact our school on students’ lives, and I would like to take a moment to reflect on the essence of what makes BIGI truly special.
“Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations.” My commitment is to cultivate an evolving environment where the school community collectively nurtures and supports every student, academically, emotionally, socially to be strong. Thanking parents for their support and let’s partner together, to ensure children being successful in what ever path they choose to tread.

Wishing all the best to young generation of learners!!

Dr. Radha Basireddy

Principal ICSE & Shining Stars

Admission Enquiry